Application Conditions:

IQBBA is a standardized and internationally recognized business analysis method jointly developed by international experts from different countries, organizations and business fields. The scheme is a personal certification project designed to meet the actual needs of personnel engaged in business analysis activities. Unlike other certification programs, IQBBA focus more on the practical application of knowledge than theory itself. Therefore, the structure of the business analysis process proposed in IQBBA is more suitable for the actual organization or project environment.

The certification scheme provided by IQBBA enables relevant personnel in the industry to learn the knowledge and skills needed to improve their business, as follows:

  • Enterprise analysis -- understand the business processes implemented within the organization, identify the required changes, and prepare feasibility research and risk analysis.
  • Business analysis -- determine business requirements and determine solutions to business problems.
  • Process improvement –improve the effectiveness of organization.
  • Innovation, design and customers – use the innovation of modern technology and creative design to produce new and competitive products.

To download the IQBBA training institution application form, please click here, and please send back the feedback application form to marketing@tsting.cnassessors.


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